Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mama's little roommate / 小病友

Mama's little roommate is only 9 years old. She was diagnosed with brain cancer in Jun. Her health deteriorated very fast. She shifted to the same ward as my mama only few days ago. She was able to speak in broken sentences at that time, but now she totally cannot talk. Nor can she tolerate bright light (photophobia). They have to keep the room fully dark for her. When the nurses are attending to her infusion, they need to switch on the light. Immediately she points to the light, indicating that she feels very uncomfortable. There have been times when the medical team were quite insensitive regarding the little girl's need, open discussion of confidential issues occuring at the girl's bedside. On at least one occasion the little girl became visibly distressed by this. Doctors were indicating in front of her to the parents to get ready, and suggesting that they consider giving birth to another healthy baby. They also indicated that no more could be done to save the little girl and it maybe better to bring her home. Upon hearing this, the father said repeatedly:"I told you we should never have come here" They asked the girl:"Shall we go home? You'd prfer to go home?" No reply from her. Mama said the doctors should not talk like that right in front of the kid. Her parents said:"It dosen't matter anymore. She can't understand now." But mama noticed she bit her mother's finger while the doctor was talking. Poor little girl. I'll pray for you and let the pain go away from you forever.
